Comments for Can anyone help identify the G14K maker's mark / origin of this large pendant

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It is 14K gold
by: Peter

I had it tested and it is 14K gold. I was wondering if anyone would know it's age.

Could be gold plated
by: Jo

Hi Peter

that's a very unusual item. Is there a compartment inside? Like how a locket opens up to reveal a secret compartment? I had a large memorial brooch that I sold at auction - it was very ornate like yours but embellished with religious iconography and it also had a greenish caste - although there is low carat green gold - mine was gold plated. The green tinge might indicate its gold plated or low carat green gold. G14K is a bit confusing - as it could suggest either the maker or the gold content. Boy, it's heavy, must be large. Hope you can find out who made it.

Jo-anne G

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