Comments for Compartment Ring - Antique Ring or Not?

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Victorian Jewelry - Compartment for Smelling Salts
by: Yvonne

Good Morning Jessica

thanks for writing in! If it's not neo-victorian - your ring will be an antique - circa. 1819-1830. Brooches, rings, etc. might open to reveal a little compartment for smelling salts.

My friend has an early Victorian mandolin brooch with a compartment that opens for smelling salts, and this antique gold brooch is further embellished with stones, and the first letter of each stone forms the word "REGARD" - Jewelry with an unusual assortment of stones that hold a message is known as "acrostic" - "Regard" letters stand for: Ruby, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst, Ruby & Diamond.

Warm Wishes,

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