Indian Gold Jewelry 

Bollywood Celebrity Kareena Kapoor Wearing Indian Gold Jewelry

Indian Gold Jewelry, needs no "Diamonds are Forever" hype ad campaigns to spike demand for gold.  Gold in the form of Jewelry, like  fascinating Indian Astrology is woven into the very fabric of Indian culture.

When You Invest In  Gold in India in the Form of Indian Gold Jewelry It Is Not Questioned - People of India  Have Been Investing In Gold Jewelry For Centuries

Most new gold production in the world goes into the gold jewelry market and most gold jewelry will become Indian Gold jewelry.

Investing in Old Gold Jewelry is instinctive and part of Indian culture. However, what you may find surprising is that although Gold in India is high in demand, if you walk down the streets of New Delhi you will not see women laden with expensive gold jewelry from India.

In India, the caratage of gold jewelry is nornally 24K and is not meant to be worn for every day. Most of the gold being traded around this region is too soft for daily wearing.

Over the centuries family wealth in India as it is in the East and many Asian countries, is transported and passed down through the generations by way of the mother in the form of gold dowries.

Gold in India is not so much valued for adornment purposes so much as for its intrinsic  value as a physical gold investment  in the shape of Antique Indian Jewelry.

A typical middle-class bride in India, for example, will wear approximately 30 - 35 ounces of Gold Jewelry. Apart from Gold Jewelry from India, wedding guests customarily may also give gifts of gold coins. Gold gifts in Indian society are perceived as lucky.

Back in the West, times are changing and changing fast. The perceived value the West places on investing in Old Gold Jewelry, Antique Jewelry, 2o th  Century Jewelry, Estate Jewelry, and Pearls is being challenged.

The "Diamonds are Forever" golden bullet to spike gold demand and bring us up to speed so  in the West we get more physical about buying gold  in the form of Jewelry is not  needed. The global economy is doing a much better job than De Beers ever could, as the West wakes up to the shocking truth that the only thing that holds the value of paper money together, is the value we all place on it.

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