Passengers on the Titanic
Boarded the Ship at the Height of the British Empire 

Image of Rose's face  from the Titanic movieScreen Name: Rose
Movie: The Titanic

The Passengers on the Titanic live on thanks  to Titanic memorabilia and Edwardian  Jewelry that some of the  passengers on the Titanic were wearing at that evil hour when the Titanic ship sank.  

The Edwardian period was a "Gilded Age", both in England and America.  When the Titanic set sail from  Southhampton, England on the 10 April 1912,  it was a time of peace and prosperity; it was the height of the British Empire.  

Though social interactions were strictly defined, social distancing was the accepted norm among and between the classes and had been  governed by a series of rigid rules for centuries. A cruise on the Titanic would have afforded the passengers on the Titanic the opportunity of relaxing strict social distancing rules. 

The Titanic movie will  go down in the history of cinema, as a seamark that  totally crushed the social class divide without a bullet being fired.  

And who can forget the  emotive voice of Celine Dione singing the theme song for the movie - 'My Heart Will Go On'   composed  by  legendary composer, James Horner. 

The keepsakes and jewelry recovered hint at the levels of luxury on-board and have become enshrined in our memories as medals of Edwardian heroism, love, and courage.

I mean, how can anyone not forget The Passengers on the Titanic, when you're face-to-face, with the recovered Titanic artifacts that honor the memories of the passengers on the Titanic and the Titanic survivors?

Antique Jewelry is loved for its sentimentality,  but this  famous collection  goes way beyond the sentimentality of  personal adornments in the History of Jewelry.

And it all came about because of  the pioneering spirit and determination of Robert D. Ballard, who had a dream of discovering the Titanic.  The result was the most famous underwater discovery of all time. Ballard used the  assistance of the mighty little submersible, "Alvin" said to be - "the Navy's most trusted workhorse of the deep". 

The Titanic  sank at the crack of doom on April 15, 1912.  Mystery and Controversy have  followed in the wake of the legendary RMS Titanic disaster. From conflicting accounts  of the actual Titanic sinking to the controversy over the actual recovery process itself. 

What are the true, hard Titanic facts? Being  that it was such a huge  tragedy and such a compelling story,  legends and half-truths inevitably have followed and this is  confirmed by the researcher, Tim Maltin.

What is known for certain is the jewelry & keepsakes of The Passengers on the Titanic, recovered from the debris area around the Titanic shipwreck, are deeply stirring pieces and echo the romance of Edwardian Jewelry. This small collection is what some consider The most poignant famous collection of jewelry on earth.

 See an authentic Titanic Antique Diamond Engagement Ring Click Here...

This Edwardian Diamond  Rings was worn by one of the passengers on the Titanic.Diamond Engagement Ring recovered at the Titanic debris site.

Passengers on the Titanic and the Heart of the Ocean

Famous not for its monetary value but because the Titanic jewelry recovered  is deeply stirring and evocative of the personalities on-board the Titanic.

Jewelry & keepsakes recovered from the RMS Titanic, miraculously, defying all the odds, still, sparkle for us today. Some Titanic artifacts are on display at  exhibitions at various locations around the world.  Judging from the visitors who have left their comments in the form below, and have attended a Titanic  exhibition, they urge everyone, not to miss it. 

Find out where there is a Titanic exhibit near you...

Some visitors say that Titanic jewelry should remain where it sank; in the dark, silent shadows of the ocean graveyard to eventually dissipate and succumb like the rest of the shipwreck eventually will, to bacteria as it eats the way through everything.

Do you remember the "Heart-of-the-Ocean" blue diamond pendant Rose wore in the Titanic movie? You can't forget that diamond right!

Discover The Amazing Facts About Diamonds. Read More....

It was a large blue diamond  gifted to Rose, played by Kate Winslet, one of the famous actresses of Hollywood cinema, by her arrogant and very wealthy  fiancé, named Caledon.

The "Heart-of-the-Ocean" blue  diamond looks suspiciously like the Blue Hope Diamond that brought nothing but bad luck. 

In the Titanic movie, in the last few hours before  the ship's sinking,   Cal took it from his safe  and put the blue diamond pendant in his coat pocket. Later when Rose climbed into the lifeboat Cal put the coat on her, forgetting he had put the diamond there. Rose had no idea it was there until after she was rescued. 

Rose  treasured  the diamond her whole life;  invested in  the memories and  told no-one  because a "woman's heart is an ocean of secrets" (the aged Rose).  No wonder, in the movie, divers failed to retrieve the blue diamond pendant when the Titanic was re-discovered.

Finally after a lifetime of keeping her secret, Rose consigns the diamond to the  ocean - to rest at last, at the spot where she felt it belonged, with her true love who had perished. With a heart-wrenching sigh,  the now aged Rose, drops the "Heart-of-the-Ocean" over the bow of the ship, into the heart of the ocean  at the very same site of the Titanic sinking.

After watching the scene  in which Rose drops the "Heart-of-the-Ocean" pendant into the sea, there's this big question, that I would like to put to our visitors. Imagine, if  you were Rose, standing on the bow of that  ship... would you let go of the only symbol on earth that represented your true love...   to disappear  into the freezing ocean depths below, like in the Titanic movie?

We would  love to hear your views and comments on this.  (it's simple, just fill in the form below)

The Hard Titanic Facts:

The RMS Titanic sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean, four days into the ship's maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City.  (Wikipedia)

The Titanic rests on the Atlantic sea bottom, one thousand miles east of Boston, Massachusetts, at a depth of 12, 460 feet or 3, 798 meters - ten Empire State buildings deep.  

The last of the survivors of the Titanic died Sunday, May 31, 2009. Millvina Dean was 97.

Dean was the youngest of the Titanic survivors and was against salvaging the Titanic ship. She was invited to the premiere of the 1997 "Titanic" movie but did not wish to attend. She never would even see the film, saying,  she would rather leave her father's last moments to her imagination...

So what will You be doing to mark the 108th  year anniversary of the Titanic on the 15th of April in 2020? 

Should Jewelry That Belonged To The Passengers On The Titanic Be Recovered Or Left Alone?

Do you think Titanic Jewelry, Titanic artifacts and Titanic memorabilia of the Passengers On The Titanic, should be recovered, preserved and exhibited or left alone and not disturbed on the ocean floor?

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Value of the sapphire and diamond necklace from Titanic 
Dear Sir or Madam: I am a gemmologist currently completing a course in jewellery appraising. Based on provenance, the final course assignment requires …

My Opinion on the Titanic from Indiana  
I lost my mother to a very tragic car accident when I was 16 , this was 19 years ago and to this day. I wish I could of had the necklace that she was …

mr matthew martin 
leave it alone hasn't enough scavenging been done, stop picking over the carcass and respect those who died

The Jewelry of the Titanic 
I think the jewelry of the titanic should be left in the ocean were it belongs. It belonged to the dead passengers; it's no better then grave robbing. …

Both.... Leave It and Recover Titanic Memorabilia  
Um actually, you could recover half of it and then the other half of the Titanic Memorabilia would still be at the ship wreck site, to honor and comfort …

Rosario Horowitz 
The jewelry should be recovered and exhibited in the memory of the passengers on the Titanic that died on that tragic day. Reply - Thank you for …

left alone 
Titanic should be left alone at the bottom of the Atlantic. I wish it wouldn't disappear, but bringing artifacts and parts of the wreck up would just increase …

I say Yes -Recover the jewelry that was worn by the passengers on the titanic 
I say yes, it should be recovered. Its history and people want to see the items that were with these peoples last moments of life. it's like a myth becoming …

the heart of the ocean 
in the case of that stone i think i would let it go. like the hope diamond, it seemed to bring bad luck to its keepers. it ends up on the ship and the …

leave it alone 
we should leave it be. even with all of todays advances in recovery, i have heard the ship is disintegrating at a fast rate. it is too dangerous to bring …

Recover it all 
I believe everything that can be recovered, should be. I understand the sensitivity of the matter, but it's also a part of our history. I saw the Titanic …

Rose (thats really my name ) 
i love titanic and have always had a great love and passion for the early 1900s as well as past history. people then lived in my opinion in a far better …

Recover It So We Never Forget 
it should be recovered. so that the history and memories of the tragedy can live on for generations ahead. seeing salvaged items helps the mind understand …

Titanic Jewelry 
It Should Be Recovered And Then Either put in museums, given back to the families or sold with the money going to charities aka aids, polio, etc. …

yes they should definitely be recovered, because 20 to 30 years from now, the titanic will be in a worse condition, it will keep eroding and collapsing, …

Nurse remember the people who wore it, and appreciate what once was so magnificent

It all Depends 
I think the Titanic should be left alone but I also think we wouldn't know about the passengers on the Titanic if we didn't look and see. If the artifacts …

Left Alone 
I believe the Titanic ship should be left alone because it should be like a memory at the bottom of the ocean.

What I think about the Titanic findings 
I think the Titanic memorabilia should be brought to the surface so that we may know more about the Titanic and the tragic night that ended the glorious …

Split Opinions on Titanic Recovery 
The Titanic ship was broken into two pieces. I think the more intact peice of the Titanic should be raised while the other should stay down. The artifacts …

Do Not Disturb Titanic Memorabilia 
It's so sad to think that articles of the passengers on the Titanic, such inspirational representation of courage, of those that gave their Life in such …

Raise the Titanic - Keith 
The sinking of the Titanic will never be forgotten, most of all the terrible loss of life, but i think that anything that can be salvaged could let people …

NO - Leave the Titanic Alone 
Leave the Titanic ship alone. The Titanic ship has been down there all this time so why would you want to bother it? NO Leave the Titanic Ship and the …

Respect for the Dead, or A Part of History? 
I believe that it is both disrespectful to the dead and an honor to them. What I mean, is that, on one hand, archeologists are constantly disturbing ancient …

Click here to write your own.

Titanic artifacts represent a piece of history... 
Artifacts from the Titanic, including personal items, are part of history and, therefore, should be carefully preserved rather than left to disintegrate …

Should the titanic jewelry be recovered or left alone? 
Personally i dont think it should, after all it is not ours to take, it belongs to the brave souls that lost their lives that cold april night. The …

Put the Titanic Jewelry in a Museum 
I think that the Titanic jewelry should be re-covered and put into a museum cuz then it will actualy seem more real to people that there once was a Titanic …

Raise the Titanic Jewelry! 
As a one-time marine conservator on the RMS Titanic Preservation Project through a private contractor (2004), I can personally say that I believe that …

Titanic Engagement Ring 
I'm trying to find a replica of the Titanic engagement ring. My fiance bought me one as a token engagement ring to wear until he gets home from Iraq. …

Moot point. They WILL be recovered.  Not rated yet
Eventually Titanic valuables WILL be recovered (and treasured) just as King Tut's treasures were "stolen" from his tomb. At one point or another they will …

It is our duty to appreciate and preserve the past.  Not rated yet
Recovery of items honours those that perished. It brings to the surface, the items that passengers, who died, could not do themselves. It completes their …

Bring the reality to live within our hearts forever Not rated yet
The Titanic is well known by the generation of the 80s and 90s, as well as the descendants and historians who have brought their curiosities to work. James …

The Diamond was in Cal's coat pocket! Not rated yet
Rose didn't secretly put the diamond in her pocket so greedy Cal couldn't get it. Cal took it from his safe box not the pursers by the way and put it in …

History speaks for itself-- Not rated yet
If it were thousands of years old none of us would concern ourselves with this issure but 1912 is still "new" in history. I feel that being able to view …

Titanic - Show It Not rated yet
I think the jewelry should be on display. I love antique jewelry and think it would be nice to see. Why not share it with the world, it is all that is …

Considering the circumstances.. Not rated yet
I personally feel the artifacts belong at the bottom of the sea along with the Titanic and those who lost their lives on that tragic night. But considering …

pam Not rated yet
Anything recovered that belonged to the Passengers On The Titanic, should be returned to the family relations.

recover it for the future! Not rated yet
Prior to becoming encrusted with coral growth, recover and save the items remaining at the titanic site. Memorabilia of the passengers on the Titanic …

Artifacts of the Titanic Not rated yet
I feel it should be recovered. The reason I feel it should be recovered is because we should be able to honor those people who died. It always help to …

Titanic Not rated yet
Just because we can does not mean we should. In my opinion, it's no different than grave robbing. Don't forget Rose joined Jack the same night she slipped …

Lisa's View  Not rated yet
i think the recovered jewelry should be handed back to the families of the passengers of the Titanic if they can prove it's theres! If it was my great …

What good is it on the ocean floor? Not rated yet
I think we get a great idea of the historical period and the people wearing the jewelry if it's on display. It's a great history lesson and a way to date …

why..-_- Not rated yet
i think that all of it should of been left alone. They always say never wear a dead man's hat.. i also think it is wrong and grave robbing. the titanic …

Jewelry That belonged To Passengers On The Titanic Not rated yet
I think it should be left alone.That is where the passengers of the Titanic found their resting place and it should be left alone. It should stay …

raise the titanic - yes and no  Not rated yet

Jewelry on the Titantic Should Be Recovered & Not Left Alone Not rated yet
Jewelry that was left on the Titantic should be recovered and returned to someone related to the person who lost it. It belongs to that person and not …

Artifacts Help Us Honor the Memories Not rated yet
In the scene where Brock Lovett and his crew discover the drawing of Rose in the 1997 movie, "Titanic," the question is asked, "Should this have remained …

The Jewelry of the Titanic Not rated yet
let the half of the jewelry be recovered and another half of the jewelry be left alone........

Titanic items that are not of a personal nature, etc. Plates, silverware or furniture would be nice to see. Anything of a personal nature such as someone's …

Click here to write your own.

Let the Love Live On Not rated yet
I think Titanic's artifacts, especially jewelry, should be recovered and given to surviving relatives. If there are none, then auction it for charity, …

Yes and No Not rated yet
I think what has been retrieved, rings personal items, take photos put them on display, try and find the family members that exist, give them the personal …

Titanic Artifacts Not rated yet
I think anything that can be found should be found before someone gets a hold of it that has no right to have it. Display it for the world to see. After …

Passengers On The Titanic | Available For All Not rated yet
As long as it is preserved and protected from thieves, it should be available for all to see.

Recovered!!! Not rated yet
I have never seen a fish where a diamond ring or any other jewelry was for that matter. I think we all felt the same as you when that scene was played. …

Titanic Memorabilia Should be Recovered Not rated yet
I think the artifacts and memorabilia from the Titanic should be recovered because the historic value and preservation would be amazing. …

regarding items found from Titanic ship Not rated yet
Basically items recovered from the Titanic ship is a 2 sided subject. One--the surviving family members, like the great grand kids should be able to …

Restitution for the families of the Passengers of the Titanic Not rated yet
Yes, recover it and sell it. Then give the money to the families of the poor, who were disproportionally locked in 3rd class to die without even the advantage …

Titanic Jewels Not rated yet
It was hard enough to lose your loved one to Titanic, and if I were the relative of one of the passangers I would treasure the items that belonged to them …

let them rest Not rated yet
please let these people rest. let this ship be. so many died. imagine their terror as that big ship went nose first and the back end slammed back down …

Cultural Heritage vs. Respect for the Dead Not rated yet
I believe at this point in time this idea is more sensitive because the Titanic was a relatively recent event, but in another generation it would be less …

let things lay where they are  Not rated yet
The pieces of jewlery should remain where they are and where thier original owners passed away. Its fitting that what remains stays with those that had …

Titanic Jewelry Not rated yet
Yes, recover the jewelry. How exciting that would be.

recovered Not rated yet
Definately recovered.. what a breautiful thing to be able to see if you were an ancestor and even to view the history and story of these people.. and see …

Greed Not rated yet
The only reason someone would risk their lives or the lives of others is to pad their pockets. That is Hallowed ground. Much like grave robbing wouldn't …

Treasures of the Deep Not rated yet
Recovered and Preserved

leave it alone in peace or it will happin all over Not rated yet
it's history and we learned from it so just leave it in peace and don't think about raising it up

Response to Titanic jewlery recovery question Not rated yet
If I were a victim on the titanic, or of a modern-day equivalent, I would want any piece of me to live on that could. If my jewelry or other belongings …

Raise it! Not rated yet
I can understand both sides personal and scientific. You want to raise them because it would be educational and a living memorial to the people, but at …

Thought. Leave It.  Not rated yet
I honestly think it should be left alone, on the ocean floor. because, if you preserve it and exhibit it, it's like taking a memory and messing it all …

titanic artifacts Not rated yet
Of course. The artifacts and memorabilia will bring to life for us the realization of its sinking, and how man thought it was invincible. I also believe …

What's to be done with the jewelry still on the Titanic? Not rated yet
The Titanic Jewelry should be brought up and put in musuems or returned to the family of the victims or survivors of the Titanic disaster.

Titanic artifacts Not rated yet
I think that all things of the Titanic should be placed in museums, for us to learn and study. However, I think the personal items, such as jewelry, should …

Bring Them Back! Not rated yet
it's not like they wanted it there... it will do no good to anybody to have it weather away at the bottom of the ocean for eternity. If those were …

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